Kindergarten Resources


Kindergarten Work Planner

Unpacking the Packets


Understanding the Zoom Schedules


Zoom Schedules:


Circle Time:

White Pine: 10:45 AM

Redbud: 11:15 AM


Circle Time:

White Pine: 10:45 AM

Redbud: 11:15 AM


Show and Tell:

White Pine: 10:45 AM

Redbud: 11:15 AM

Independent Virtual Student Enrichment

Music with our Teachers

School Pet Videos


  • memory/fetching game

  • find objects and sort them by weight then weigh the objects on a scale to see if it’s right

  • Keep a calendar that your child can see and mark off the days until school starts. This may help with the transition back to school.

  • Graph the types of birds that frequent your yard or windows.

  • If you have stairs, walk up and count them. Walk down and count by twos. Walk up and count by threes. Continue through tens. Have your child go up and down the stairs a few times, counting as they go. (Great way to get some gross motor movement in while practicing linear counting! Good for a rainy day)



  • I spy: “I spy something that starts with the sound b.” make sure you start with the sound and not the name of the letter. 

  • Journaling: if your child is not comfortable writing on their own you can have them dictate a story to you and then they can illustrate the picture for what they have dictated.

  • cut pics from a magazine and write a story

  • sound hunts

  • Read, read, read! Reading books to your child will help pass the time and help with literacy skills. Talk about the pictures, guess what will happen on the next page, guess what will happen at the end of the story, before reading the words on the page ask your child what they think will happen based on the pictures, etc.


Pre-Writing / Writing

  • Any kind of stencil (if you don’t have any stencils you can easily cut some out of cardboard like an old cereal box)

  • If your child is not comfortable writing on their own you can write in a highlighter and then they can trace over the highlighter with a pencil. 

  • Have your child write their name (in cursive) on pictures they draw, paint, etc.



  • nature walk 

  • nature hunt

  • Free play in nature

  • magnetic/nonmagnetic

  • living/non-living: see if you can find living and non-living things in your backyard or nature walks. 

  • sink/float: bring a big bowl of water outside (or do it inside). Hypothesis with your child if an object will sink or float and then test it out in the bowl of water.


Practical Life

  • Have a set of dishes and snacks at your child’s level. This will alleviate the constant asking for snacks. They will just be able to get the snacks on their own. I have a shelf on the bottom of my refrigerator dedicated to fruit/veggies/yogurt and a bottom shelf in my pantry for bars, single serving chips, fruit gummies, etc. for my daughter to reach. 

  • organize/sort around the home

  • Have them help organize the pantry/fridge/linen closet into categories.

  • Cooking activities: have your child help you cook breakfast/lunch/dinner. It may be messy and take more time but it will help keep your child occupied and you will have quality time with your child!

  • Chores 

  1. Clean up toys

  2. Sweep the floor

  3. Wipe down counters

  4. Put dishes away

  5. Fold and put their laundry away

  6. Water plants

  7. Feed the pets



  1. Follow some YouTube tutorials: they can guide you step-by-step in art, crafts or science projects, even if you don’t have the foggiest where to begin with these. 

  2. Open ended art activities: blank paper and a few colors (you would be amazed at what children create with just their mind!)

  3. Still life drawing/paintings

  4. Put your favorite book, toy, and keepsake on a small table in sunlight. Draw or paint a full color still life.


Lastly: SELF CARE. Make sure you take care of YOU. With all of the panic going around make sure you are taking time to decompress and destress after the day. Meditation, binge watching your favorite tv show, a nice hot bath, yoga, etc. are all great ways to restart yourself during nap time/quiet time/after bedtime.